4s4ki(アサキ、1998年3月11日 – )は、日本の女性ラップ・シンガーソングライター。埼玉県出身。
日本最大級のフェス「FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL’21」「COUNTDOWN JAPAN 22/23」「VIVA LA ROCK2024」や、アメリカの「SXSW2022」
A new generation of artists who are bringing new alternative pop music from Tokyo to the world. She is capable of writing lyrics, composing, and arranging music, as well as making tracks on DTM and playing the piano, all on her own. She is a musician who has the ability to create music with her unique style.
The lyrics, which can be described as a “record of self-love,” weave together anguish, sadness, and joy in words that are sometimes raw and realistic, and have struck a chord with people mainly in their teens and twenties. Her songs has attracted a lot of attention from overseas, and has been selected for official playlists on streaming services.
4s4ki has performed at Japanese largest festivals such as “FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL” “COUNTDOWN JAPAN” “VIVA LA ROCK” and “SXSW” in the United States, and her live performances have also received high praise.
In addition, her song “Punish” was ranked in the year-end project “The 100 Best Songs of 2022” and was featured in an interview feature in the American music media “Pitchfork media”.
She is one of the most popular female artists in the world today, crossing genres.